A Soda Advertisement…

I was just browsing youtube for some Persona 4 rush trailers and I stumble upon this video…

Its Rise Kujikawa, the pop idol in Persona 4, (see her info scan here) doing a soda advertisement…
That made me want to drink THAT soda (I just hope its real though…) co’z she can sell a product and bait fanboys at the same time… (See the water flowing down in her body?) Whoa!


BTW, Rise is voiced by Rie Kugimiya, she’s famous for voicing tsundere characters such as Shana(SnS), Louise(ZnT) and Nagi(Hayate no Gotoku). Now I wonder if Rise’s character is a tsundere… As I’ve seen in some rush trailers, her voiced is high-pitched and actually moe… Persona 4 will be out on PS2 this July on Japan.


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2 Responses to “A Soda Advertisement…”

  1. Rokku says:

    lol, i still remember that lucky star used to have a Haruhi soda Advertisement

  2. blissmo says:

    mmmm, soda …

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