Hyakuen! – Ch. 02


We get to learn more tips how to save money from these two girls. Last chapter, we learned how to save money by thinking of how much the food we’re buying is worth of its cost…

Now on this chapter, we get to learn how we could save tons of money while taking a bath! Yes, fanservice intended.


Do you how how we could save water while taking our baths on the bathtub? If we save water, that means, we save money! And if we all save money, we could get rich in no time~. Not only about money, but also by reducing our water consumption as well everyday.

It just takes 20 centimeters of water whether you’ll believe it or not, and our Hyakuen! Girls proves it. You also need plastic bottles. So yeah, you can already take a bath just by using 20 cm of water, plastic bottles, and another person to share a bath with you. Isn’t that funny?


cough… *Ignores how unbelievably huge Momo’s boobs are compared to other Ema Tooyama heroines* ..cough.

Anyway, here we go to the GL. It’s so adorable (and weird at the same time) on how Momo acts towards Suzuki, and I want to see some background between them on how their friendship started, because just like one of their friends asked if they ever fought, it’s only because of a very shallow reason. I also wonder how long had they been living with each other lol.


Hahaha Suzuki is so tsundere~. And the more I see of these two, it just horribly reminds me of K-On!… Suzuki can take the place of Mio/Azusa while I don’t know if Momo’s just like another Yui which is an airhead, but I think Momo seems to have, at least, some brains to appreciate a person.

But anyways, I hope those similarities would end there since I really don’t like comparing a series to another that much and I know Ema Tooyama will definitely do something to make this different.

Overall, it’s still really fun to read, and I can somewhat relate in to some situations like only wearing panties at home XDD ehem lol… And personally, having so much money in my wallet just builds up so much confidence when I’m at a shopping place lol because it just feels so light when you’re all out to swipe away those cash for anything you want and getting wild “feeling” like a rich girl~. Another one thing I could relate to as well is when Suzuki dropped the thought of buying the food when she smelled it. Hahaha! I sometimes think of how it tastes like as well before buying it XD!!! And lastly, the disappointment and regret you feel after buying those collectible toys that ended up being the same XD (stupid luck and packaging -_-). Lmao~ Lots of consumer topics I can totally relate to XDD.



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2 Responses to “Hyakuen! – Ch. 02”

  1. Xiao says:

    Waaah, me, too! Me, too! I was laughing so hard about everything that happened in this chapter cuz it’s so easy to relate to. Especially with Madoka and the chocolate. That’s how it is with me and figures. I REALLY want this certain set that came out a long time ago but after finding pictures of them…I kinda just settled for that. lol xD;

    Ugh, and yea, don’t you just hate that with collectibles? They don’t show you what’s inside on purpose so you can buy the whole lot and they get more money. Bastards. 😡

    But anyways, lol. The bath scene. I can see Momo’s reasoning…but I wouldn’t go that far with baths! I’ll use as much water as I want! xD;
    And Madoka’s so cute when she’s tsundere~ x3
    .-= Xiao Jie´s last blog ..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 88 =-.

    • kanzeon says:

      Haha it’s slice of life it is ^^. Plus it’s really to laugh on something we can actually see ourselves in XDD.

      Yeah :rage: they’re evil!!!

      And lol I’m so with you XD. I don’t care if I’m wasting a lot of water as long as I feel refreshed and all when taking a bath ^^.

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