Happy Birthday, Ness!

Special cake baked for the trap of Metanorn. Join in another birthday fun~

And once again, we have another birthday! We could turn this into a drinking game. Every time someone on the Metanorn team has a birthday, you take a drink… no? Well anyways, it’s time for the team to send our birthday wishes to Ness!
I have a surprise for you. Once you read this, I want you to check your email. You might notice something from PayPal. I want you to have it as a birthday gift. If you need it to buy a couple groceries or maybe an ice cream sundae from Baskin Robbins, I hope what little I’ve given will make you happy on your very special day…. haha lol j/k!! Well actually, I thought you might prefer cash, so an envelope is being sent to your home… j/k again!! For real though, I hope you enjoy your birthday today!

Happy Birthday, Ness! I bet you just want money for your birthday, right? I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation with you without having money brought up at some point – specifically you wanting more of it. So just pretend that instead of drawing you Motoko from Ghost in the Shell that I got you money instead! I know, it’s a bit of a strain on the ‘ol imagination there…I hope the drawing is enough for you XD By the way, I love all of the amazing graphics you create. I have no idea how you get everything done so quickly, and with such high quality all of the time. No wonder you’re so busy. Take the time to relax today, alright? *rips all your homework to shreds* PARTY! NOW!
Happy birthday Ness!  I haven’t gotten the chance to meet you yet, but hopefully we’ll be able talk on MSN or whatever sometime soon.  I hope you have a great birthday however you decide to spend it, having a Saturday birthday must be nice! (:
Happy birthday to our graphics specialist! Never thanked you for my banner and avatar; I didn’t give you a great base pic, but you did a fantastic job with it! Hope your birthday and the coming new year is a good one!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NESS! GRAPHICS GURU OF METANORN~! Seriously, how do you make those epic graphics? They are just so awesome. I don’t even. What have you got planned for you birthday? Partying? Fine Dining? Booze? CAKE? Cake is a must. Anywhere you do end up…cake. Cake is a must. Layers upon layers of…okay, just indulge! Today is all about you and your loveliness! So go crazy! Do everything! (if its illegal, make sure you have a good alibi) and have a sexcellent day. Happy Birthday again~~!

  Oh hey look another January birthday on Metanorn! Wooooooo!! Time to break out the drinks and cake, sadly Ness you can’t have any of these drinks because you are a fourteen year old boy forever and ever, right? Just kidding! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You deserve a day filled with cake, anime and hot bishes isn’t that every girl’s dream? Anyway I always enjoy our talks over MSN so again happy birthday to my little Metanorn brother. For your special drawing I drew Gilgamesh sitting on so much money and GOLD!! Hope you enjoy it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NESS! (⌒▽⌒) I really appreciate all the beautiful graphics you make for Metanorn, so arigatou for the lovely eye candy!~ Let’s have more awesome MSN conversations at unearthly hours at night xD (Technically I am not a very night person but I sleep late anyway -panda eyes-) Hope you have an awesome day and this kouhai loves you very muchly! <3
Happy birthday Ness! Hope you have a good day full of doing everything you want to do and not doing anything you have to do! Indulge in presents, cake, food or whatever you please and generally enjoy being a cool person who is  year older (I don’t exactly know HOW old, but as old as you want to be I’d say!). Have a good one.
Happy birthday Ness! From your tweets, it seems that you’ll be spending your birthday working? HEH. But you can celebrate it on your free day right? What matter right now is that you can eat looottsss of cake! Since that’s the case make sure you eat a lot today! Oh, and I suggest tiramisu for your birthday cake 😉
Happy birthday Ness! So, uh… have you hit puberty yet, or are you still forever a little boy? Ahaha only joking. (But out of all of us here, I think you have the most ambiguous age xD.) Anyways, happy birthday! Hopefully you get lots of moneys and maybe a day off work! I’d contribute to that, but honestly I have no idea where you live. Or where you work. Hell, I can’t even send you a cake. …Maybe someone else will give you cake in my place. Have an awesome day (and thank you for all of the awesome designing stuff you do)!

Happy Birthday, Ness, you fourteen-year-old, TRAP, YOU! <333 I can bet, I exchange emails with you the most. We end up working on most of the Metanorn things so it’s been awesome knowing you well. We definitely need to crash the Nesshizzle tag again for a booby show like Freezing, we definitely had good times then and who can forget Level E? One of the underdogs of 2011 for sure. I hope you have a great time today, OFF WORK! Be a total lazy bum, lounging on your recently cleaned home. Grab some delicious food and have fun with your friends partying with lots of CAKE AND DRINKS. Don’t think about tomorrow and the moneehhss, your bank account will fatten up one day with an anonymous deposit. Till then, party hard and have an awesome time~


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26 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Ness!”

  1. Happy birthday Ness! I hope you have a great one ^^ Celebrate lots and have fun 🙂

    • Ness says:

      Thanks much~! I still don’t know what I’ll be doing but later in the night it will be parrtayyy yum foods XD

  2. Hoshi says:

    ~Uwah, happy birthday Ness!<3 You've graced Meta with your fabulous graphic skills, so it's time to kick back and let us grace you with our wishes and love xD Hope you have a fantastic birthday (filled with monies)~!

    • Ness says:

      Awwwww thanks Hoshi <3 I think that I'll try not to think of monehs for once hah....

  3. Gecko says:

    Happy birthday Ness! Take a break and have fun!

  4. Tofu says:

    Woot! Another birthday, another celebration ;D Happy Birthday Ness!! Hope you have a great day ^^

  5. Kitty says:

    Another one 0.o Happy Birthday!! January is clearly the party month @ Metanorn yo! Hope it was a good one!!!

    @Foshizzel ~ love the rocken Gilgamesh! Way cool’

  6. BlackBriar says:

    Happy Birthday, Ness. Best of wishes to Metanorn’s Trap. I can’t believe another B’day has come along. That sure was quick. I hope you have a great day!!

    • Ness says:


      Seems like I’m already celebrating early with everyone’s bday wishes. I still have about 40mins until Saturday comes haha.

  7. Ness says:

    @Jrow – You almost got me there! I was going to check my paypal but then I stopped when getting past that joke XP But really, you know I would have sent it back hehe. Yep, mama always told me to take cash before other forms of monehs.. j/k :3 Thanks much J-aniki~

    @OC – Waaaahhh thanks for the awesome pic of Mokoto<3. I really don't want anything for my b-day but to have a good time of no worries and loads of fun.. which I do plan to have. XD As for the graphics, thanks much! I actually procrastinate a bit on that stuff because I set my own due dates (I'm sure Kyo knows all about this) and never keep up to it hahah.

    @Hawthorne - Thanks much~ Yeah, we gotta chat sometime on MSN or something hahah. Having my b-day on Saturday is really nice but I had to request the days off to know I have the day off for sure. But yeah it's better than Sunday because people are always busy on Monday so things have to end early if so.

    @lvlln - Glad that you liked your icon/banner. It did take a bit editing but was doable. Hope you have a good coming year too~

    @Hime - Photoshop magic baby~! That's how it's done... and a heck lot of procrastination. I can't really do graphics unless I'm in the mood hah. But yeah! Parrttaaayy. Well, a mellow one. Good foods, yakiniku and then cake! Gonna make tiramisu and then maybe a cheesecake. Maybe for lunch I'll go to some restraunt that gives a free slice of cake for your bday. No booze! Maybe on Sunday if I meet up with some friends at the beach. But yeah! Thanks much Hime XD

    @Fosh - Wooooo! Thanks for the cool Giglamesh art. The couch on the gold bars is just awesome XD Of course I'll have fun, cake and good foods~ Though, I'll be making my own cake... it will taste yumms. I'll also try out that cheesecake dip recipe you sent me. I'll take pics and share later on XD

    @Miyu - Awww thanks Miyu. Yeah lets do have more MSN convos when it's usually a good time for you but a crazy time for me yarr.~ Awww I <3 you too heheh. Glad you like the graphic candies that I make. There will be lots more to come~

    @Junko - Thanks Junko-tan. Yepp, I'll be indulging in yumm foods and then spending my day out. Hopefully it will be sunny hah<_<; @anaaga - Nooooo I won't be working. I'll be off Sat/Sun but then my boss screwed me over having me work Mon but then off Tues then more work. ^^;; But with that aside, thanks! Yeah, I'm going with the tiramisu mmmm @Karakuri - Yepp, I've upgrade myself from a 13 year old boy to a 14 year old boy XD (but really, when people asked me how old I'll be at work, I said 21... again.. fooorreeevvvarrrrr hehehe). @Kyo - Yes! We should do a triple tag team again on some crappy ecchi anime that I didn't know it would turn out to be ecchi and you abandon us not even half way through~ XD DESHOU~!? Heheh. Our working together has been loads of fun and I look forward to the many more projects to come. Who else can I relate to when talking about my horrific life of working to and such. xD By the way, I declare myself not the TRAP but THE TREASURER! It's on my banner yarr hah. Saturday will be filled with having the fun, good foods and non-alcoholic beverages. Sunday will be when I will bum around XD. Also, love the Ryoma pic<3 Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes<3 Though, I need to stop making these moneh jokes... hahah....

  8. Joojoobees says:

    Holy cow! these B-days really are happening right on top of each other!

    Happy Happy Happy, Ness. Enjoy the upcoming year.

    • Ness says:

      Thanks much Joojoo XD Sorry I dropped Last Exile, I enjoyed your comments on it><. But yeah, thanks and hope you have a good upcoming year too XD

  9. Toori-chan says:

    Oh dear the birthday song never cease to play with all the consecutive b’days. Anyway Happy Birthday Ness~ Looking forward for more smexy graphics.

    • Ness says:

      Yeaaaaahhh. January is the month!

      Thanks Toori-chan and yeaaaah more graphics coming yarr

  10. Ness says:

    Yeaaaaahhh. January is the month!

    Thanks Toori-chan and yeaaaah more graphics coming yarr

  11. Amutofan123 says:

    Happy birthday, Ness! I hope it’s a good one! Man, everyone seems to be having their birthdays in January. Not just on the internet, but my real life friends too. xD

  12. Namika says:

    Another b-day at Metanorn??? Wow *_*
    お誕生日おめでとうございます~ ^O^

  13. Samantha Zan says:

    Happy Birthday Ness!!!

  14. Alynn says:

    So many birthdays! : D

    Happy birthday Ness!

  15. Overcooled says:


  16. Karakuri says:

    Once again, happy birthday!!!

  17. Moni Chan says:

    Another birthday in January.
    Tanjoubi Omedetou Ness San have a good one

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