Metanorn Team & Aniblogging

A sneak peek into Metanorn’s Team and their aniblogging habitat. Oh we know, we are very international~ ^^

Distance knows no bound and we are united off borders and for forever~! Please don’t make me write such cheesy lines… Oh but I did. FFFFFFFU– Ahem, anyway! How are you all doing this fine morning?! Over the Monday blues or is it just starting? I’m over mine and damn, it was not pretty! Though, forget about my lousy day and come to the thick of things as I bring you something totally fresh off the METANORN press.

Behold the new Team picture! Yes, this took forever to make…! 4 hours to be exact. The idea of it came to me while browsing TYPE-MOON images and four of my favourite characters framed one after the other. A light bulb went on and I emailed my team to select an anime character that majorly defines them and find me their profile poses. Some I used but some I couldn’t and had to actually scourge for so that it fit well with others. I love the colour black so no wonder, it’s the main background. All staff names are highlighted in their chosen colours, while the beaded font for the heading signifies the fact how closely-knitted we are, just like a beaded chain.

I’ve been brewing this collaboration for some time now (months to be exact), but for one reason or the other it kept on being delayed and then Fall came and everyone went busy or MIA. Anyway, my purpose for this post is to give you a sneak-peek into the dens of Metanorn writers, what they feel about aniblogging and our Winter 2011 Plans. What makes us click, if you will because we are definitely bent on sharing the fandom love. We are spread around the world and even time differences do not matter. The following picture actually seems like the ones found in any MNC corporate site, under “Contact Us”, mapping all regional offices. Though, this is where we currently reside atm. And plan to take over the world soon. XD

Before, we showcase our hideouts, just a quick list on what to expect episodics-wise from the team, starting this week (this does not include the carry-over titles from Fall and OVA/Movies):

Now on to some amusing RL pictures:


Aniblogging Habitat & Desktop~

Extra Sneak peek

Now, aniblogging is an interesting thing. There is a certain style to it, as does any sort of writing. If you’d have asked me for an anime review at the beginning of the year, I would’ve been stumped. I couldn’t have done it. If you’d have asked me to write another sort of review, be it game, film, book, music, play, now that I could do. But not anime. The audience you write for is different. Thankfully, Metanorn helped amazingly with that. Thanks to all my fellow writers and our amazing hybrid writer/god, I can write a decent anime review. They aren’t half bad, and wouldn’t you agree? I’m ani-blogging, because it’s a challenge. While I don’t find it easy, per-sé, it’s not difficult because I enjoy every second of it. Bottom line is, Metanorn is awesome. And that isn’t going to change anytime soon.


Aniblogging environment

Current Desktop

The original reason I took up aniblogging was because I realized that my anime rants to my friends weren’t going anywhere since most of them don’t like anime. Tired of getting blank looks and zero discussion about what I was watching, I decided to actually get INVOLVED and try out for Metanorn. People will catch things that I missed, provide insight from the manga, or have a completely different view of things that makes watching anime all the more immersive. I guess you could say aniblogging is all about the communication between the reader and the writer, and seeing things through other otaku’s eyes. Of course, sometimes I simply just DON’T agree with people, but that’s a given in life. =P Also, it’s fun. I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t like it (unless I got paid). I get to flex my writing skills – something I rarely get to do anymore since the only writing I do for school is lab reports – and become pseudo-famous for it. I enjoy doing it, and hopefully you guys enjoy reading it. That’s all there is to it~


What I like about aniblogging… wait a sec, I’m not aniblogging at all. *Cough* *Cough* What I like about being a webmaster/web-hoster/epic-Linux-user/programmer/you-name-it is the fact that I’m the guy who’s giving life to crazy and awesome ideas (new metanorn and JuStChat) and that I’m the guy everyone is relying on. So far, Metanorn is my biggest project in terms of hits/views and the Chatbox is the longest and most complex program I’ve ever written, this really gave me a lot of exp. points in general programming, so much that I leveled up ( XD ). That’s a really gamer way to put it, but anyway. Every time I tell people that I’m a webmaster and web developer, they ask me “Are you paid for that?” and the answer is always the same: “Of course… not”, then they go “WHAT! You should be paid for that!” and I just say that I don’t mind, since this is what I love, whether I’m paid or not won’t change a thing.

The big question here is: How did I ended up being a webmaster/programmer/…? and on top of that: How did I end up on ani-blogging sites?

Well, I don’t really know, it just happened. My friend, that everyone knows, TSRL, decided to start a new podcast, the DDD, with some people from the RRFDP or something like that. To be honest, I don’t know (and/or remember) the full story. Anyway, so they started out on an ugly Blogger site, so I proposed myself to make them a stable and beautiful website and to also host them (in my epic basement server that is). Then on November the 12th at 4:14 AM local time, I received the e-mail that changed my life (same thing as in The World God Only Knows XD), I’ll let you guys guess from whom that e-mail was *cough*Kyo*cough*. Then came the whole Metanorn migration hell, the reprogramming of it’s theme et cetera. And that’s pretty much it, that’s how I got involved in aniblogging related sites.

My epic basement server (WilliSite + JuStChat):

Specs: 1GHz AMD Athlon, 512Mb RAM, 80Gb HDD and 1000Mbps D-Link NIC

My epic basement server’s desktop (text only XD):

Last login: Wed Dec 22 22:33:37 2010 from
Have a lot of fun...

My epic basement network (1 router and two 8-port switches… all full… 16 devices plugged in):

From left to right: NAS of 2TB (mainly holds backups), Cable modem (15Mbps down / 1Mbps up), D-Link Gigabit Wireless N router, two 8-port D-Link switches.

My dev environment:

And finally, Current Desktop:


Aniblogging environment

Current Desktop

~Whenever I tell someone, anyone, about the fact I write for an anime website, the first thing they ALWAYS ask me is, “Oh, so do you get paid?!”. Of course, being a poor person who can only afford one fandom at a time, I answer with an “I wish!” but I always smile and continue with “I love it though, so I don’t really care.” Why do I love it? I don’t know myself, but when it comes down to it, I guess it’s because I don’t have anyone else to rant about it to. In the States, especially in my town, typically people only watch things in English, have things American-made, and such, so there is a very small percentage of people who like anime. Yet, even when I do find someone who likes anime, they typically default to mainstream anime that they play late at night, and prefer English dubs *shudder*. I don’t get along well with these people, and my friends aren’t into as much as I am so I’m left alone to fangirl. Not to mention I’m a very shy person (if you couldn’t tell) and sometimes I can’t even bear to talk to some anime-lovers.

When the opportunity came up to take a position here, I took it, despite the whole day it took me to write my example episodic, and I don’t regret it. It makes me happy to think that finally an opinion from that really-quiet-girl-with-the-fetish-for-Asian-stuff-who-sits-by-herself-in-the-classroom is getting out. So when people tell me I’m crazy for putting something like this as my first priority when I get home from school, I just smile and imagine some chibi of myself in my head laughing insanely. I’m really just so happy to be here, and meet not only Kyokai and the other writers, but all the people who visit our site and fangirl/rant along with me! I’ll keep trying my best on both my posts, and my breaking out of my shy shell so I can actually converse more.

I have to say, getting into anime is probably one of the best things that could have happened to me, despite the weird glances I get at school and at home as I sport my Kuroshitsuji t-shirt, Bleach sweater, and binder full of chibi drawings. I’ll keep on fangirling! Who said I had to be normal anyways?~


Aniblogging environment

Current Desktop

Why I like to aniblog? Well, I find it fun to share my ideas and thoughts on anime in general. At first I thought it was really silly, but as I got used to taking screen shots and visiting other blogs, I really got super interested in trying it out! Then I observed how others kind of poked fun at shows, and that seemed to really catch my eye. So, I tend to do that with my posts and pictures.

When I submitted my application to Metanorn, I never thought I would get picked but after finding out I got accepted, it made my day. I found several blogs that had more than one or two writers and always thought to myself that it would be awesome to join a blog with several writers and anime fans, who want to have a good time together. So being part of Metanorn is both exciting and awesome! Filled with lots of friendly people, who are online most of the times, I hope we can do lots of great things together.


Aniblogging environment

Current Desktop

Metanorn is an awesome place, with an awesome team, who can somehow tolerate Captain’s irresponsible and lazy behaviour. The people who comment on Metanorn are also awesome, being very awesomely welcoming and very nice to the new blood and their reviews as well. Being part of Metanorn is like, well, awesome. In all sense of the word. It’s not a very good way to explain it, I know that, but I never thought I’d ever be part of an aniblogging site – really!

Aniblogging has always been something Captain has wanted to do. Ever since being introduced to Kokidokom and various other aniblogs. The idea stayed, and grew like a little plant, until Captain finally decided that she could no longer take it and decide to get closer to the actual team of Metanorn, submitting an application to be part of the new blood! Never would she have thought that she would be accepted, but in the end, aniblogging has now made it onto the list of Captain’s top hobbies.


I am a filthy college student, so for your benefit, I’ve taken great care to preserve the state of my natural habitat before taking a picture of it. The following are pictures of my NC base, which is where I spend most of the year. I had to clean up before leaving for the winter, but here is what my desk normally looks like:

Some items of note: 1) My awesome pot for cooking noodles, NOT ramen! 2) Empty coke and orange juice bottles, 3) A stack of CDs, props to anyone who can identify the CD on top, 4) Solo bowls for noodles, 5) Another CD with a gross video of an ankle replacement surgery, email me if you wanna see~ 6) Yes, that’s my toothbrush and toothpaste over there, 7) My awesome yellow music stand. But wait! That’s my desk, so where’s my computer? It’s actually over here:

8) My laptop, can anyone tell what page it’s open to? 9) Empty coffee cans for power writing papers, 10) Altoids, curiously powerful mints. Most days I sleep with my laptop on my bed, which is sooo bad, but what can I say? I’m awful.

Current Desktop

Admittedly, I’m not as well-versed in anime as some others since I’m relatively new to the fandom. I’ve only started getting really into it in the last few years or so, so there’s a lot of stuff I’m not familiar with. I’ve been told from some friends and also read here and there that recent anime suck, but you know what? I completely disagree! I don’t know how recent seasons compare to the last decade or century or whatever, but there’s definitely stuff that I love. And love is what aniblogging is all about! I never did any aniblogging before joining Metanorn, but I sure love to talk about what I love, be it anime, games, music, or whatever else the topic of the day might be. As long as you have that love, you’ll always have something to say. And when a lot of people who love the same thing gather in one place, the excitement never ends! This is what Metanorn is to me, and I hope the same goes for you, too.


Hello all, Ness the Trap of Metanorn tuning in. So yeah, you get a good look at my desks that are only cleared before and after a school term. The desk on the far left has my laptop which is mainly used for reading online manga and playing games. Basically it’s just a gaming laptop that’s collecting dust for now until I upgrade some things. As for the desk on the right, it’s my main desk used for just about everything else. As you know, I’m a Graphic Design student so I have my cutting mat, inking pens and a cool HQ printer to help save money from horrific trips to the craptastic FedEx Kinkos. I’m not as cool as Captain or Fosh because that tablet on my desk was just a loaner until I get myself one, hah. But anyways, I’m running a OSX Mac with CS4 for my school work and Setsuna F. Seiei is in the background heating things up because it’s cold in my room.

Current Desktop

Aniblogging to me is a hobby but also a sort of other world that leads to this community of people who have the same interests as me on a wider scale of information and geographically. Aniblogging lets me share my own experiences, interests and opinions with others. This is why I decided to enter the aniblogging community and being part of Mentanorn is like a doorway to letting me do such things. As well, I get to enjoy anime/manga/games, etc. with others and I get to make new friends in the process. I think it’s very cool to be able to converse with someone around the world and see their views and opinions on things that interest me. Even though I might not always agree, it’s even better when there’s a mutual likeness.

Metanorn to me is like a big playground where us kids can hang out and have fun (which means Kyokai is the Goddess bestowing us with blessings and Will is… still Christ :3). Being part of the Metanorn staff is a pleasure and great experience. I’m happy to be able to work with my fellow Metanorn teammates and get to know them in the process. Each member is really interesting and cool, as well are the visitors who comment on posts. Also, writing for Metanorn has given me a chance to not only learn the process of aniblogging but be able to put to work my hobby of writing that I have not been able to put much thought into. So with that, thank you Metanorn and those visitors who have given me supportive comments.


Aniblogging environment

Extra showcase~

Current Desktop

I blog from a computer station in the corner of my room, usually there are cans and empty glasses littered around, little notes scrawled on paper or a candle or two, if I’m writing late into the night. I’ve tidied up somewhat for you guys, since I don’t want to look like a slob. 😛 (I totally am, lazy bugger through and through), I also got a sexy new laptop for Christmas, so chances are I’ll be doing posts with that, as well.

I didn’t know what to expect when I got into anime blogging; there were a couple of hiccups I had, mostly with the formatting and technical stuff, but after overcoming them it was just a pleasure. It’s so much fun writing about anime, good and bad, and getting to chat with like-minded people who are enthusiastic about their fandom. It’s an interesting experience to interact with other Metanorn writers and commentors alike.

The On-Hiatus crowd didn’t have time to comment but you can always look at their systems and go waaah!


Aniblogging environment

Current Desktop


Blogging Environment~


Aniblogging and Gaming zone~


I can finally say that it has been around a year that I’ve blasted into aniblogging and it has been one helluva ride. I think back of the time I stumbled across Metanorn in my search for more animu reviews and seeing that “writers wanted” announcement. I don’t know what Kanzie saw in the corporate blog I maintained or even my very formal writing style and decided to give me a go. I could never have imagined that I would be running the same site in a few months’ time. Life is quite strange and same for different experiences; I took Metanorn as a challenge once I found out that the founders would not continue due to pressing RL and studies.

Running a site is not new to me as I already ran a major Harry Potter site back in the day, when the books were still releasing and my current work pretty much revolves around everything Digital Marketing (from Website building to Mobility solutions, Content, Social Media Marketing, Online Advertising and the works). Having such a busy work and social life, I quickly realized that I would not be able to shoulder Metanorn content alone and that is when I put up announcement for new writers. In the end, I have amassed this team (who are full of amazing potential and awesomeness), to actually dish out varied thoughts rather than few people talking about the same thing. For a reason, I always liked diversity and see working wonders for Metanorn.

I have two aniblogging habitats: office and home. I’ve almost abandoned my desktop, now only used by other family members so that’s not featured here.

Yep, half of my weekday is spent here. Also note, I am backing up my anime on my 1TB drive :3

A colleague actually captured my super-fast typing~

On left, my department’s piggybank, a dog named Sensei (of course, I named him) and on right my comfy, homey place for relaxation and aniblogging

Current Desktop

To me, aniblogging is all about having fun while doing it because if I treat it as work, I’m going to get sick of it soon. The plethora of friends I’ve made in the animanga community is what makes it even better, because I love discussing the stuff I’m watching/reading with like-minded people, who actually understand what I’m saying. Many twitter and on-site conversations (via chatbox and comments) are the things that make my day. So, chat with you soon and thanks for hanging around with us. ^^

Before I take your leave though, some much needed shout-outs:

  • To our faithful Readers and Commentors, WE LOVE YOU!!! You are an inspiration for ALL of us. <333
  • Sekijitsu! Welcome back, Bass! As I usually say, they need LOVE, LOVVVEEE! xD
  • The DDD Podcast – Because we love making fun of them and vice versa. The same guys who I can talk with for 8+ hours… 0.0
  • Zkage from Metal Seinen for keeping up the local beats! ^^
  • Hellomotto for getting into Yale… Like wow!
  • Vucub for thinking up SCCSAV (Standing Committee for the Coordination of Simultaneous Anime Viewing). I just wish, I could catch a show. >.>
  • Ruby, for being just plain awesome.
  • Anime fandom, thank you for continued existence!

Alright, this is all for now. Hope you had fun reading about the FABULOUS TEAM of METANORN. Till next time, Ja ne~


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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267 Responses to “Metanorn Team & Aniblogging”

  1. xochandaox says:

    haha. wow, Pretty cool, thanks for sharing ^^

    Nice to know I’m not the only one out there. 😛

    • xochandaox says:

      oh, sorry, I meant, to know that im not the only messy one out there. haha ^^;;;

  2. Bass says:

    Oh wow, Metanorn is so shiny now XD I love what you’ve done with the place, I don’t even recognise it anymore. And has there been more additions to the family? Can’t wait for another one of them epic msn chats lol.

    And is that snow!? #@$@#$#@ it’s so awesome XD

    I see a mac there in your setups, well played and a great choice I must say ^_^ Btw I’m loving these posts, been having a look around to read up on what I’ve been missing.

    I miss all this… :3

    • Overcooled says:

      Ohhh, it’s the rumoured Bass we hear about in the legends! I guess I should say welcome back, hmm? ^^

      Ugh, I don’t like owning a Mac. It’s good for some things, but I want a PC for my gaming!!

      • Bass says:

        Yea definitely not much of a gaming machine lol but it is good for other stuff. Thankfully for me, I game exclusively on consoles :3

        • Ness says:

          Agreed! Mac for me is for school work and other casual things. But if I want to game, there’s console and uh yeah my laptop over there.

          • Bass says:

            When I do want to play on Windows, theres always the awesome Bootcamp lol

            Works just as good and its the best of both worlds on one system :3

            • Overcooled says:

              I use Bootcamp too, but my laptop is MISSING a lot of the keys I usually use for gaming. Therefore, my improvised gaming set-up looks really ghetto <_< Ah well, at least I get my school work done XD

    • Kyokai says:

      Lol, well, you were gone for some time but yeah, hope you like the new design and everything. xD

      My Team has definitely increased and we will be bugging you on MSN (also get skype already. Btw, I SO love your new Avatar. Lol.

      • Bass says:

        I might have to get skype soon yea. Who knows, maybe by this weekend huh?

  3. Elyon says:

    Hoshi, that is one EPIC CHICKEN XD

    • Hoshi says:

      I KNOW RIGHT?!
      It’s actually supposed to be a pillow that you can put on your desk and lay your head on. I actually took it with me to my final exams X’D

  4. Foshizzel says:

    Good job everyone on taking your pictures! nice desktops and cool environments! and Kyokai! amazing job fixing that massive group shot xD

    Will- Your area looks like a mad scientist’s lab!

    Hato- I WANT THAT TV! its nice!

    OC- Wooooo awesome desktop <3 Miku

    Hoshi- I love all the anime stuff near your computer 😛

    Captain- Everything is so cute!! also *high five* Gintama fans!

    Sassy- Love the room set up and the numbers its like a mini game 😛

    Ness- Woooot I see your tablet, nice set up too and <3 the wallpaper.

    Hime- Lots of pinnnkkk and bllueeee very fun! and love the posters in the room 😛

    Flags- Lots of cool tech toys, love that keyboard O_O

    Ryuuko- Love the figures! very nice.

    Masu- Lol the box! made me laugh a bit, nice set up thou 😀

    Kyokai- Very nice set up there! I bet you are a fast typer too! lol

    Lets have fun in 2011! Woooooooooooooo!!

    • Ruby says:

      OMG Ness has a drawing tablet?! I never knew that o.o it looks like those really expensive intuos stuff <3

      Ness!! you can draw me pictures! XD

      • Ness says:

        Haha it’s not my tablet, I was borrowing it (so says in the description). I’ll get me one some day><; You're lucky you have one Ruby.

        • Ruby says:

          Still, since your borrowing it you can draw pictures! I wanna see your artistic skills! <3 That mac desktop looks really expensive o_o + you have so many programs, I only recognize photoshop~ I have no idea what all those other colorful squares are xD

          • Ness says:

            Haha, I’m lazy and I don’t have to tablet anymore.. maybe later on when~ As for the other squares:

            ID – InDesign – Good for making page layouts like magazines.
            Ai – Adobe Illustrator – Illustration and pen tool work.
            Ps – Photoshop :3
            Dw – Dreamworks – Web page making
            Fl – Flash – Animation
            Fw – Fireworks – Making hq graphics for web
            Br – Bridge – Image organizer

    • Captain says:

      Why does everyone think my desktop is cute?! I’m not the type of person for cute things, haha >u< But thanks, anyway! Heehee.

    • Masu says:

      i do have a desk and what not. though it just so happened to be the place where everything-that-i-dont-want-to-look-at (newspaper, letters, bills, etc.) ends up. therefore my tv (and laptop) were defaulted to box and chair. QQ

  5. Kushi says:

    Wow, very diverse group~
    and lots of anime stuff! man, my town doesn’t have anything like this. Foshizzel might know cuz he’s from the same state :D. Florida: nature 95% culture 32% economy -22% =P
    keep up the good work guys! I’ll be looking foreward to the spring list while I munch through Angel Beats! *nom nom nomm*

    (P.S. Will is that a custom OS I see? Ubuntu mod?)

    • Will says:

      My server is a custom openSUSE and my desktop is a heavy themed Kubuntu 10.10

      • Kushi says:

        Cool, I also got your Angel Beats! reference(and call me Christ… sorry I was living under a rock for quite a while due to school, But I’m catching up! I just finished Angel Beats!). When I heard him say that I was like “wait wha- ohh…” ^_^

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yay more Florida peeps!!

      don’t for get orange juice and Disney! >.>

  6. Ness says:

    I think my room is plain compared to others><; Well, i don't spend on actual anime stuff (figurines, toys, etc) besides art books.

    Kyo's office desk is so clean! Like barely anything on it haha. OC, your desk is clean too! Capt's desktop is cute and I totally guessed Hoshi's desk would look like that haha Kpop Queen *bows*.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I don’t own any anime figures either lol… I used to have these chibi looking Gundams but desk was to small for them… xD

      Kyokai/OC do have a nice clean desks, my desk never is clean lolol.

      • Overcooled says:

        Mine isn’t neat nor is it messy. It’s too normal -.- It’s usually pretty neat though, I guess, so thanks XD

        The only anime merchandise I own are posters and keychains XD Aside from my DVDs and manga, that is. Figurines are too expensive for me to get into!

        • Hoshi says:

          ~WHY IS EVERYONE LIKE “I GUESSED HOSHI’S DESK/DESKTOP WOULD BE LIKE THAT”??? |’D Am I that predictable? Hahahaha.

          Mine is too cluttered with random stuff to be neat or clean or even dirty LOL.

          I want figurines *____* I only have three small ones, two that were gifts and one I bought myself because it was Kuroshitsuji~.

          • Ness says:

            Yeah, you’re sort of predictable.. haha j/king.

            I try to make my main desk clean and then my other desk has a lot of random stuff haha

        • foshizzel says:

          Lol yeah figures run from 80$ to higher depending on what your wanting to get, knowing myself I would break it somehow..

    • Kyokai says:

      We have recently shifted offices so the reason for the threadbare table, I had a lot of stuff on my old desk. Though the table that you can’t see on the right side was filled with papers and my lunch. :3

      • Ness says:

        HAH! So like you said, you’re only showing us what you want us to see :p

  7. Will says:

    I couldn’t find a single minute to write that text >< I'll try hard to do that tomorrow, lets just hope my "trusty" server doesn't mess around again. As for my desktop (or development env.) I'm currently dual booting Win 7 and Kubuntu. Too bad Wine can't emulate all my games 🙁 so I have to stick with my 7 for gaming. To Hato and Flags: Multi-monitors FTW

    • Kushi says:

      Hey Will, I have a question. I keep getting a “we found an overactive script, can we kill it?” message when I access metanorn(any part of it). do you know what’s going on? I’m using Internet Explorer (whatever version is most recent). I like how you’re keeping the website look awesome (and of course all the writers who do an awsome job keeping up with a very large range of good anime), I just wanted to let you know.

      • Kyokai says:

        Kushi, stop using IE. We HATE IE. The most stupidest browser on plan. I suggest you switch to firefox or Chrome. Both are awesome and have new scripts unlike IE, which will keep on showing shitty error messages.

  8. Joojoobees says:

    Very interesting to see how different people work. Best wishes to everybody in 2011!

  9. Mizorui says:

    Ness has a cap, Ryuuko has two guitars (awesome) + you can’t go wrong with Gintama love.

    • Ness says:

      Gintama is awesome. Yep, I have a cap.. just got it mid December from a visiting brother.

    • Captain says:

      NO ONE CAN GO WRONG WITH GINTAMA LOVE! I feel kinda bad for not photographing my Gintama poster wall Dx

  10. vucubcaquix says:

    Everyone is so much neater than I am. Also. Don’t worry Kyokai, #sccsav plans to stick around for a while yet, so I will one day catch you on Skype by hook or by crook. After all, we have a whole new season of anime to look forward too!

    • foshizzel says:

      #SCCSAV FTW! Great stuff on skype makes getting to know the other bloggers more fun and just goofing around is fun too xD

      Yay Winter season!

    • Kyokai says:

      Oh we do, indeed. Let’s go for the Evangelion this weekend for sure! ^^

  11. Yi says:

    Everyone’s got such a nice set up, perfect for your lovely blog posts.

  12. Hellomotto says:

    Ah, thanks for the linking on twitter! All of your environments seem so much more sophisticated than mine’s (though I’ve given up aniblogging for at least a month now)…especially compared to that of Flags. Simply amazing. Hoshi has some very nice and pink memorabilia…and can I just say, all of you have amazing wallpapers?! Especially the one with the kid and the samurai sword, which is Captain’s current wallpaper. (Dunno if that’s an anime or not…)

    Since I haven’t been here for a while (forgive me!), I noticed that there were a lot of new team members. This really is quite refreshing; you’re one of the few HUGE team blogs that’s managed to make an even huger impact in the anime community. You also do feel like a true team, not just a random assortment of anime bloggers.

    It’s also quite refreshing that your team’s not just from the US. (I will admit, though, that I’m loving the West Coast representation. >.<)

    I just wanted to say, Kyokai, that you've done an amazing job. I've known you for a little over half a year–but wow, the work you've been able to do in that time is amazing. In my eyes, you're basically up there in the ranks of Omni, Kabitzin, and Impz–and in some ways even better. This blog is great; it caters to nearly every interest ever–and you still manage to keep the team aspect going well. Congrats on everything; you deserve it!! 🙂

    Last thing, I swear: Sassy, I do believe the CD is Muse's The Resistance. If so, I love that album, especially United States of Eurasia. 😀

    (And as for the shoutout: awww, shucks! Your mention made my day :D)

    • foshizzel says:

      Motto! -wave- congrats on collage! Woooooooot!! Good luck.

    • sassy says:



      I personally like the eponymous track the best.

      • foshizzel says:

        I love Muse! such a awesome band I made a fail Code Geass Amv to Resistance, because the lyrics match up well with the theme of the song.

    • Captain says:

      Yes! My desktop picture is an anime(: It’s Gintama! Just a little shot of Sakata Gintoki as a kid with his friends and teacher :>
      I found it on Pixiv, if you need to know!

    • Kyokai says:

      Oh gosh, you are making me blush now! xD
      Thank you for all the compliments. Metanorn has been a great experience so far and I’m loving the cross-border interaction. xD

      Now I know why you quit because of course, you have to give more time to studies now. Best of luck! ^^

  13. baka_girl says:

    OMG, this is one of the most EPIC post in Metanorn!!
    And I’m so surprised to see those dual monitor 😀

    Will, your current desktop, it’s so cool!! Sometimes I put my keyboard on top of my monitor like you :p

    Hoshi, we have the same headphone! Except mine is black and yours is yellow. MixStyle FTW!!
    I had those shimenji (Kida, Izaya & Mikado :D) like you, but I couldn’t bear with so many things running on my desktop, so I ditched them :p

    Captain, where did you get those icon on your desktop?? I want them!! It’s so cute! And because you live in Singapore, did you come to AFA 2010? 😀

    Sassy, I like your style! LOL-ed so much when I saw that picture XD My desk was pretty much the same as you :p
    You always sleep with your laptop and never kick them when you sleep? Awesome!

    Hime, your room was too pinky for my eyes :p And I can stay in front of my PC for days if I have a chair like yours XDD

    Kyokai, you office desk, isn’t that too clean? XDD
    Your sofa looks so comfotable 🙂

    JOOC, anyone named their PC/laptop like me? 🙂

    Okay, this is the longest comment I ever write, sorry for babbling too much :p

    • Hoshi says:

      I just barely found out about the shimejis so I’m having fun letting them roam free on my desktop. I have Scanty, Stocking, Onew from SHINee (which I screencapped) and Shizou :3

    • sassy says:

      You know, I was worried at first that I’d knock my laptop over onto the ground because I used to be a really restless sleeper. The beds are lofted about 4 feet off the ground by default, so my first year I lowered it way down just in case. But somehow, your mind just knows while you’re sleeping that you have something very valuable right next to you. Eventually, I just stopped moving around in my sleep. It’s pretty amazing.

    • Captain says:

      Oh! My icons are Spirited Away themed ones from this person known as Raindropmemory on deviantART. That is, if I remember it correctly..
      I don’t actually live in Singapore, per se. I go to a school there. The actual house and all is back in Japan, but since term’s started, I’ll be remaining in this bloody HOT country for another 6 months at most. I go back to Japan every time there’s a holiday~ Kyokai listed me as being in Singapore as it’s my current location.

      Ah, sadly, no, I wasn’t able to attend AFA 2010. I was staying over at a camp that lasted BOTH THE DAYS THAT AFA WENT ON. I do remember attending the one the year before, though! The one in 2009. But that was when I was like, I think, 10..? Hahaha!

      Yes! I named my laptop! Its name is Merlin and it doesn’t seem to like me a lot :c

      • Tofu says:

        :O What are you, rich!??! ROFL Your home is back at Japan but you travel to Singapore and stay there to go to school??? O___O Aren’t you like… 13? 14? Wow… I’m amazed your allowed to go to school in another country xD Living alone or with your family?

        • Captain says:

          I’m on scholarship! Most of the time I’m alone, but I get to see them often. Skype..yeah xD I’m not really close to my family, otherwise.

          • baka_girl says:

            LOL, hi-tech family 😀
            My mom & my dad don’t even know how to turn on a computer XD

          • Tofu says:

            I’m not quite sure what scholarship is or if it’s available in Australia (which it probably is but I just don’t know it yet) but I always wanted to study overseas ^^ Preferably in Hong Kong or Japan~

            Skype FTW~! xD I only just recently got one, add me? My name is Tofu-kunzz ^^

      • baka_girl says:

        Oh, too bad >,<
        But at least you got to see Kaname-sama last year :p
        Btw, I live in a country very close to you 😀

    • Kyokai says:

      Hahaa, thanks! Loved your long comment. My favourite spot is lounging on that sofa and aniblog my heart away on a lying position rather than sitting. My laptop is like my extension of self.

      Btw, my desk is too clean because we recently moved offices and I’m so busy that I still haven’t displayed my personal stuff here. I guess soon. :3

      • baka_girl says:

        Yeah soon you should put [insert anime character you loved] figurine, and [insert your favorite anime] poster XD

  14. ichigopockysticks says:

    Wahhh I feel like suck a bad lurker I haven’t commented much or watched much anime I completly blame school…. And yeah I am on break but then I got sick again…. I’m just sick all the time okay. 😀 no worries I should be better soon it means I get to miss school.
    But to the newest batch of blogger hi and congrats on making it (I know late but still right?……) hopefully I can overload on fandom whole I’m still out this week poping pills to hopefully get better. I love metanorn and y’all make fandom even more enjoyable.

    • Kyokai says:

      Welcome back and thanks for all the compliments! We love our regular readers. And it’s all good, we understand RL goes haywire. I hope you are feeling better! D:

      Take loads of care and enjoy your animu~

  15. amado says:

    I wish had computers like those or at least a laptop of my own….

  16. crownclownking says:

    Wow everyones rooms are so cool loving the anime/games/manga collection wish mine was as good as some of those, this just makes me feel like we’ve gotten a glimpse behind the people who make up the awesome team of METANORN, it’s thanx to these kind of things and you guys that make us that much better as a whole community, not just cause we all love anime and games of course XD but because the thought of having people from so many different countries and cities come together to share exp. and ideas on one topic which is si HUGE makes it that more RL that we can actually acomplish just about anything. This post was amazing what a great way to start the new year…XP well done everyone.
    S.T.[Special Thanx] To Will @k@ CHRIST for everyone tech-wise XD and the chatbox.

    • crownclownking says:

      meant everything*

    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks! I guess, I just went for the opportunity to turn this website into a community rather than just dishing out anime reviews. It’s more fun when there are more people (like how we all chatted for so long on skype that day xD).

      Let’s keep on chilling as usual. ^^

  17. Nice “anibasements” for all of you X)

    NESS, I APPROVE YOUR DESKTOP WALLPAPER!!! Here’s the messiah everyone.

    Will… I don’t know where to start with you. XD
    Fucking server that’s all I got say. Might get some new pieces if the computer that I found recently just has some good leftovers XDD Keep the server runnin’ baby, keep the server runnin’.

    • Ness says:

      And I approve your uhhh gravatar.. yes…!! :3

      Will probably has a command center in that basement just that he’s not showing us everything, hehehe.

      • Will says:

        Well I have that nuclear bunker, the US emergency backup system and the CIA’s REAL headquarters in my basement. XD

  18. Dan-go says:

    OOH MAKE A POLL FOR WHO HAS THE MOST APPEALING aniblogging zone, i vote for hime

  19. Tara says:

    *is jealous of awesome anime stuff on some shelves/desks*

    You guys are awesome >w<

  20. Masu says:

    is there a shame button i can press?

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