Songs stuck on my head…

Mariah Carey – I’ll Be Lovin’ U Long Time

Even if Mariah Carey spent the whole video almost naked, this song is again a Mariah-fave of mine. It has a fresh feeling of being in love… Besides from that, it has a very catchy tune.

Perfect for: During the trip to the beach, or just riding and feeling the air in your hair.

Katy Perry – I Kissed A Girl

The bold yet sexy Katy Perry has a very good voice, which is very fitting to this rocking new single.

Perfect for: Lol… Boredom?

…And for J-Pop, here’s something from Hirano Aya…

Hirano Aya – Riot Girl

First, I wanna congratulate the successful album debut of Hirano Aya because I think it debuted at #2… Anyway, about the song, she sounds kinda similar to Haruhi! I love it! I found the video fun and the clothes she wear are cutee~!

Perfect for: Well, adding it on your J-Pop playlist on your iPod…


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4 Responses to “Songs stuck on my head…”

  1. omisyth says:

    Lol at how your first vid is NO LONGER AVAILIBLE.

  2. blissmo says:

    Being a fan of American music, I never heard those songs before

  3. issa-sa says:

    Being a major weeaboo who listens to nothing but Anime songs, I’ve never heard of any of them either. Except Riot Girl which gets played everywhere -_-“

  4. kanzeon says:

    @Omisyth: Lol sorry… I’m too sleepy the time I posted this I haven’t got time to check if it works… Lol… Just watch it on youtube directly:

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